Organizing & Education (Coalitions / Mutual Aid)

The Black Lives Matter Website has an abundance of resources on how to organize and toolkits such as the Healing Justice Toolkit: https://blacklivesmatter.com/resources/
Created in the Bay Area, the Anti Police-Terror Project is a Black-led coalition built to eradicate police terror in communities of color: http://www.antipoliceterrorproject.org
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ), Bay Area chapter is part of a national network of groups educating white people on racial justice: https://www.surjbayarea.org
Mental Health
Legal Aid

ACLU of Northern California (www.aclunc.org)
Need Legal Help? (https://www.aclunc.org/our-work/get-help)
Facebook @ACLU of Northern California
Instagram @aclu_norcal
Twitter @ACLU_NorCal
Pamela Price, Civil Rights Attorney – Oakland, CA
Facebook @Pamela Price, Alameda County Activist
Twitter @PPriceCares
Professional website (https://www.pypesq.com/attorney/)
Personal website (https://www.pamelaspage.com)

The Safe Place
“The Safe Place” Is a Minority Mental Health App geared towards the Black Community. African Americans are 20% more likely to experience serious mental health problems than the rest of the general population. However, many black people still do not wish to seek professional help for their mental illnesses.
The Purpose of the “Safe Place” is to bring more awareness, education, and hope to this serious issue. Not only can the black community benefit from this app, but also mental health professionals, friends, and family, of ALL colors can be better educated on this issue and do a service by directing their black friends, co workers, etc. to the app.
All races go through mental illness, but we also can experience it differently because of our race and social backgrounds. “The Safe Place” can also be a great learning tool for mental health professional’s to better understand their black patients.
Elevate | Inspirational Living
Are you facing a new challenge, dealing with life’s ups and downs, or exploring a next step in your life? Then download Elevate and get motivational content that will inspire you to be successful in every part of your life.
Elevate is giving people the tools to overcome adversity and manifest their best selves with bite-sized daily pieces of wisdom, guidance, and inspiration. If you’re looking to stay focused on reaching your future goals, you will truly benefit from the Elevate app’s unique and inclusive community.
With the Elevate app, you will be given tools and direction that you need to develop willpower and stamina and achieve your goals. All you need is a little coaching and motivation!
This newfound success thinking will allow you to feel and firmly believe that you can achieve all your goals no matter what life throws at you! Check out the amazing app features that are focused around optimizing your health and wellness!
“I’m sorry, but I can’t do this anymore.”
That was it. That was the note. It was 2005 and I’d decided my life wasn’t worth living. I was tired of being depressed, afraid to live in my truth and most of all feeling that no one would ever accept me or love me. I was alone in the bathroom with a bottle of sleeping pills and cried.
As I laid on the floor I slowly working up the courage to take the pills, the faintest of thoughts crossed my mind that said, “I’m too tired. I can do this tomorrow. Life will still suck.” This is my story.
MyUmbrella is my attempt to give everyone else, what I wish I had. A sense of community. A sense of belonging. A place where there were people who had been through similar things and I could learn from.
-Angie, MyUmbrella Founder
Download iOS
Instagram Accounts to Follow

Mental Health
Coalitions / Mutual-Aid

Therapy for Black Girls (www.therapyforblackgirls.com)
Black Guy Therapy (https://anchor.fm/black-guy-therapy-podcast)
Good Ancestor Podcast – Layla F. Saad (http://laylafsaad.com/good-ancestor-podcast)
Black Therapy Uncensored – Kaye (Black Therapy Uncensored on Apple Podcasts)
The Black Therapist – Nikita Banks, LCSW (www.blacktherapist.com)

Black Rage: Two Black Psychiatrists Reveal the Full Dimensions of the Inner Conflicts and Desparations of Black Life in the United States – William H. Grier and Price M. Cobbs (https://www.amazon.com/Black-Rage-Psychiatrists-Dimensions-Desperation)
Rock My Soul: Black People and Self-Esteem – Bell Hooks (https://www.amazon.com/Rock-My-Soul-People-Self-Esteem)
The Unapologetic Guide to Black Mental Health: Navigate an Unequal System, Learn Tools for Emotional Wellness, and Get the Help You Deserve – Dr. Rheeda Walker (https://www.amazon.com/Unapologetic-Guide-Black-Mental-Health)
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing – Joy Angela Degruy (https://www.amazon.com/Post-Traumatic-Slave-Syndrome-Americas)
Videos / Tedx Talks

Reimagining Mental Health Discourse Among African Americans – Shaun J. Fletcher, PhD
Changing Views on Mental Health in the Black Community – Chante Meadows
Black Mental Health Matters – Phillip J. Roundtree
Meditation / Yoga

Yoga Love
Black-led, community-based yoga studio in North Oakland, CA
Join online classes during COVID-19
Places to Donate

Anti Police-Terror Project (http://www.antipoliceterrorproject.org)
Black Lives Matter (www.blacklivesmatter.com)
National Police Accountability Project (https://www.nlg-npap.org)
Black Visions Collective (https://www.blackvisionsmn.org)
Reclaim the Block (https://www.reclaimtheblock.org)
Minnesota Freedom Fund (https://minnesotafreedomfund.org)
*SURJ Bay Area (for a compiled list of Black-led groups, visit https://www.surjbayarea.org/community.html)
**List will continue to grow as we add more resources!