“Undocumented Tales” is a YouTube web series that follows the journey of Fernando Gutierrez, an undocumented queer immigrant from Mexico living in U.S. Fernando’s story is one that is rarely told in the broader immigrant and LGBTQ communities, and one that is almost never told in mainstream media. The series serves as an online platform that brings together the intersections of immigration status, homophobia/transphobia, class, and race to portray the realities of what it means to both undocumented and queer in the United States.
Armando Ibañez
Armando Ibañez is a latinx queer filmmaker and activist from Mexico. He has been living in the United States for over 16 years and lives in the state of California. Armando is involved in the LGBTQ and immigrant rights movements and is an active member with Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement. His passion for film began at the age of 7 years old while watching Mexican cinema from the 1950s. Currently, Armando is the director and writer of the online series "Undocumented Tales," a story that follows the journey of a Mexican undocumented and queer server living in Los Angeles. He is committed to portraying authentic Latinx characters and address real issues impacting immigrant and LGBTQ communities in the United States.
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
COMING SOON!🌈 Season 3 continues to follow the journey of Fernando Gutierrez, an undocumented queer immigrant from Mexico living in U.S. Fernando’s story is one that is rarely told in the broader immigrant and LGBTQ communities, and one that is almost never told in mainstream medi
ATTENTION: This show is intended for mature audiences, the series contain intensely suggestive dialogue, graphic violence, graphic sexual activity or any combination of these elements.